This Press Handstand Beginner's Program is "Press Entry" Targeted Training Program
Preparation Phase - Make Your Body Ready for Press Handstand

Flexibility & Mobility
For Handstand Skills

1. Level - Safe Exit – Overcome your fear by learning to exit safely

2. Level - Improve your flexibility and range of motion for Handstand

3. Level - Balance + Learn the proper way to catch, hold and re-balancing

Handstand Hiit – Get better at holding

Breathing Technique For Deeper level of Core Engagement

Target Drills For
Specific Strength

Do You Feel...?
Then you are in the right spot!
The Whole Reason Why I Created This Program Is Because I Struggled A Lot To Learn "Press Entry" More than Hanstand itself!
When I first started my press handstand practice, I was absolutely mesmerized by the graceful and fluid movements of hand-balancer at that time. They were moving so effortlessly and with such ease. Through my yoga practice, I have learned that through daily practice, I can get positive and amazing results. The consistency is the key for success in learning handstand. I am grateful to have this habit today. When I decided to learn press handstand, I did a intensive research to pick up effective approach to master press handstand as QUICK as possible. At that time I even didn't know how to do a free-standing handstand. I never practiced handstand before. But my interest was learning press handstand. Not from a kick-up or using-a-wall handstand, because I found it just boring. With more and more time practicing "the press", I started seeing great benefits that the regular practice brought me - strength, and body awareness. It is absolutely possible to learn press handstand as a handstand beginner. You need a well structured training program to learn effectively and efficiently.
The end of this story - I would like to share what I've learnt and help people level up in their own handstand practice.
A quick reminder..
You simply want to explore your physical performance level and achieve your goals! Let me help you for your new skill!

My name is Yasuko Zweng and I'm a Press Handstand Coach for people that want to feel good in their bodies and finally learn the skills they have been dreaming of their whole life - imagine handstands, advanced arm balance postures, splits, backbends, fluid movement and other cool stuff. My mission is to support you on your handstand journey of becoming a happy yourself.
I started practicing handstand after my daily yoga practice when I was always quite tired. It was difficult to add a lot of handstand practice routines everyday. I only could practice handstand maybe 5 minutes at the beginning and over time increasing up to 15 minutes a day. Even by doing only a short daily handstand practice, I was able to press up to L-shape handstand after a couple of months already. I thought WOW! Practicing everyday is powerful. Once I could press to L-shape on my hands, the way to full handstand was easier to figure out. The press is the hardest work of the whole motion, in my opinion. I was so happy to be able to press to the full handstand. Very soon after I could press up, I started to try different shapes of handstands and entries. Then my problem was holding on my arms as long as I need for different shapes. I need to stay as long as I reach the shape. So I started to build up my endurance both for holds and correct alignment. I believe the key to success and quick results for the press handstand is choosing the right daily drills without a wall. Using a wall is only beneficial to build up endurance and strength for higher levels. I never had a good feeling about using a wall to practice as I realized that I too much rely on the wall and cannot find the balance sweet spot. I really wanted quick success for my handstand skill. Therefore I decided to select only efficient and effective drills instead of doing numerous different drills. I strongly focus on fast results.
I help you cut through the clutter and get to your goal in the most effective way possible.
Less time invested = More goals being achieved
I cannot wait to help you smash your goals. You will see quick success. Here I am for you to share all my experience of my handstand journey.
Imagine, If You Could..
This is what You're Getting when you Sign Up Now

What's inside the program
THE PRESS HANDSTAND BEGINNER'S PROGRAM is a program to cultivate upper body strength and body awareness for handstand movement patterns - to help you on your journey and show you step-by-step how to get the results you're after from the scratch.
It combines my love for yoga, strength training, and handstand conditioning. It is a combination of everything shoulder and arm strength, relevant mobility related I learned during my training with various calisthenic trainers, gymnasts, strength coaches, hand-balancers, and movement teachers.
This approach helps you strengthen your body (the foundation of press handstand skill) in a simple and effective way so you can move with confidence, better your posture, and finally - be and feel confident and strong.
Are You Busy Person? Don't Worry!
I ask only for 20 minutes a day of your time!
Do Less &
See Your Success!
I help you cut through the clutter and get to your goal in the most effective way possible.
Less time invested = more goals being achieved.
That's all you need for the various strength exercises in this program. You might be thinking - "too good to be true". But let me tell you, it is more than enough. And I keep you on a healthy balanced training track instead overusing your body.
Most of you think that you need to exercise a lot, build up your body strong through workouts, spend hours to prepare for the Handstand. In fact, you only need to practice 20-30 min per day in a smart way. You don't have to be an athlete or gymnast with years of training.

For All Devices
Everywhere & Anytime

Press Handstand Beginner Course
Follow along detailed instruction videos progressing over 4 levels
The full Press Handstand Instruction Book included
Bonus Handstand HIIT Routine included
Lifetime online access including future updates and enhancements

This is what my students are saying:




Why does it work?
Each day and each week you will focus on an important element for Press Handstand. You will practice approx. 20 - 30 minutes everyday (except 1 day for rest) with guided follow-along videos. Each drill is focused on slow movements in a gentle motion to learn to know your exact position & to feel the body and sweet spot for the balance. You will automatically build the strength, mobility and basics for the press Handstand in the shortest time.

Everyday Practice
The key for quick results
You can get stronger and build your balance at the same time through my Handstand Routines. My Handstand journey started at age 49. It's a proven program containing carefully selected and simple sequences of practice. It is the most effective and least time-consuming approach to maximize your physical connection to the press Handstand by installing smart movement patterns.

Don't practice too much
My program is from Monday to Saturday. Sundays you are welcome to rest for recovering your body. It is important to give your body proper rest to restore your performance level. Maybe you try harder and harder, pushing yourself because you are wondering if you're making more progress, right? You only need to practice on a daily basis just like brushing your teeth. That’s how I learned Press Handstand.
It is much more important how well you try than how many times you try, because putting your body weight on your arms requires a lot of energy and you can try ONLY limited times. So, therefore stay focused on the mechanics of the press Handstand for the shortest way and for maximum outcome.

What Do You Need for my Handstand Course?
Save Your Research Effort
I started to practice the Handstand at age 49. And imagine, that my very first successful Handstand was actually press Handstand without knowing that the press up is the most challenging entry of all handstand entries. If a 49 years old woman can learn the Press Handstand, you definitely can learn it too, right? You don't have to go through years of learning, researching or wasting time to endlessly figure things out. I did the hard work for you already!
In my Handstand routines I selected the most beneficial and meaning full drills reflecting the “Aha” moments of my own Handstand journey. Focusing on correct alignment is essential to practice Handstand. Figuring out all necessary missing pieces for the Handstand is a time-consuming effort if you try on your own. With this Handstand Program you will be able to do the free-standing press Handstand much faster than with any other approach. I am here to help you to learn the Press Handstand effectively and efficiently.

How Does The Program Work?
Upon logging in, you get immediate access to all videos of all 4 levels, the Bonus Workout Video for Endurance for Handstand skill - Handstand HIIT Routine, Engagement Breathing Technique Tutorial and the Handstand Guide Book in PDF that shows up on your Dashboard, so you know exactly where you’re at in your program.
A very simple everyday approx. 20-30 minute routine from Monday to Saturday. Follow-along weekly program with step by step instructions and a strong focus on essentials. Carefully selected structure of sequences from warm-up to cool down, so that you can just add it in your daily life anytime anywhere.
Once you purchase and create your member login, you will have access to the program for your lifetime. In each follow along video routine, you can do the well guided drills. To get fast results, simply follow the routine and practice everyday.
After you complete each routine, you simply click the “mark as complete” button and you’ll be prompted to the next routine. You can also repeatedly practice every routine, just choose and click the routine you want on your dashboard on the left side in your screen. It’s that easy.
The program is divided in 3 levels. You can do/repeat each level at your own pace, doing more sessions or repeatedly over weeks.
Preparation Phase - Make Your Body Ready for 1. Level
Daily different workout routines from Monday to Saturday
1. Level - Focus on Strength in Core & Shoulders
Monday & Tuesday Routine
Wednesday & Thursday Routine
Friday & Saturday Routine
2. Level - Focus on Alignment & Learning Lift
Monday & Tuesday Routine
Wednesday & Thursday Routine
Friday & Saturday Routine
Press Work routine for inflexible hamstrings (optional approach)
3. Level - Focus on Going-Upside-Down & Hand-Balancing
Daily different routines from Monday to Saturday
Optional Workout Video for Endurance for Handstand skill
Handstand HIIT Routine
Engagement Breathing Technique Tutorial
Core Engagement Breathing Technique helps you achieve more stability in your body and access more challenging positions. It helps us connect to the body on a deeper level.
Any Questions?
The program is one time payment with lifetime access to all the materials with any future updates, it’s all yours. It will be handy to go back if you ever want to tighten up your basics, even if you’ve already progressed on to the next level.
The way the beginner’s course is designed doesn’t require any assistance or partner so that everything can be done independently.
You will need a yoga mat, a chair (for a couple of drills) and 2 yoga blocks. If you don't have yoga blocks, a few thick books or something similar will also work.
Immediately after you sign up you will find an email with all the instructions to log into your members area. The program will be delivered out each week. You will have an immediate access to the 1. Level of routines and the Handstand Guidebook. The 2. Level of routines are following when a week goes around as same as for the 3. Level. Don’t worry that the 2. and the 3. Level will not appear on your member’s area for a moment. The program is designed at the best in a sequence for your progression in a healthy way.
YES. You can start the program even if you are not strong or flexible. My program provides drills for both strength and flexibility to build and maximise your handstand potential. You will slowly develop the strength and flexibility which are required for the press handstand.
Definitely yes! Once you sign up for The Press Handstand Program, you have it FOR LIFE. That means that you can start anytime and keep coming back at it. There's lots of material that's easily going to keep you occupied for months, so giving it to you for life is very important for me.
As a busy, always-on-the-go person myself, I got you. One of the best things about this program is that it will take you only about 15 minutes a day to complete. But if you feel fancy and have time on hand, you can easily double that. I trust you know your body best.
Absolutely, YES. I made this beginner’s course especially for those who have fears without a wall. You are a perfect match for my program. In my opinion most beginners move too fast to go upside-down. My training sequences are programmed to overcome fear by learning how to safely exit early enough to absolutely prevent you from falling over and to keep you safe.
The program is online, but you also receive the detailed guidebook which you can print and put besides your mat to read. You also can contact me anytime for questions. You will be able to access a user-friendly member's area with the program from your desktop computer, laptop, smartphone and tablet of all kinds. When you get stuck with your progress, the press handstand guidebook is a great resource to put all the pieces together easier in your head . If you still have difficulties or any questions, you can contact me anytime. In each lesson you find a one click email contact button at the bottom of the member’s area. I will be happy to help!
If you keep doing the program every day and you follow all instructions, 3 to 6 months is a realistic timeframe to successfully perform the press handstand. It depends a bit on your existing strengths and weaknesses. My program runs for 6 days per week. Short training routines with maximum outcome. One rest day every week that you can continuously keep practicing without any overwork or injury. The beginner’s course is completed when you have achieved a comfortable pike press handstand.
There are a couple of factors to take into consideration.
First, you will want to start slowly.
It is better to start with much easier exercises and higher repetitions. My program is higher intensity exercises which can provide quick strength and muscle gain.
I am currently designing Pre-Handstand Exercise Program for those who have never exercised in their life to achieve their handstand goal as fast as possible. Please subscribe my FREE PDF to get further updates about the upcoming program.
Why pay more when you can pay less? The Press Handstand Beginner's Program is currently 52 % OFF so go take advantage of the offer while it's still up.
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Press Handstand Beginner Course
Follow along detailed instruction videos progressing over 4 levels
The full Press Handstand Instruction Book included
Bonus Handstand HIIT Routine included
Lifetime online access including future updates and enhancements